The Scope...
When issues pertaining to what was, in my opinion, potential employment insurance fraud began to surface, I believed them to be limited to the taxation center in which I worked at the time. However, in my opinion, the potential problem was so rampant when it came to the behaviors/processes I witnessed, that, I soon became very concerned that the problem was much more extensive than I first thought, especially since one supervisor had been there for over 10 years. How could 2nd and 3rd level supervisors and upper management not see that they could be, in my opinion, violating the law by, in my opinion, falsifying Records of Employment and/or not ensuring that work extension refusals were properly documented and flowing to Employment Insurance databases for proper enforcement of the Employment Insurance Act?
As I continued to push to have the issues investigated (see my email to Minister Gail Shea dated January 27, 2012, p. 2 - 4 of "The Documentation And Proof..." ) , my suspicions of a much bigger problem were further solidified by a letter I received on June 11, 2012 from Cheryl Fraser, Assistant Commissioner, Human Resources Branch (see p. of "The Documentation And Proof... ") written on behalf of Canada Revenue Agency Minister, Gail Shea, stating:
This June 11, 2012 letter confirmed for me that the problem was, in my opinion, rampant and ORGANIZATION-WIDE and given this came from "HR Branch", I wonder if not "Federal Gov't Wide"... and it may have been going on, in my opinion, for a very, very, very, very, very long time given "new methods, procedures and processes" had to be put in place at CRA! I can't help but wonder if same problem exists at "other government branches"???
All information on this website is Submitted Without Prejudice to increase transparency and accountability to the taxpayers of Canada by municipal, provincial and/or federal government bodies. The Constitution of Canada guarantees Freedom of Conscience and thus, this website was created to "clear my conscience" so that my family may "move on" knowing we did all we could to have these matters made public and addressed. This website presents the information and will let the public and appropriate law enforcement bodies determine what should be done in these matters. Copyright 2013 - Present.